Gelatin (National Standards GOST 11293-89, TU U 24.6-00418030-002:2007)
Gelatin is a natural biopolymer. As a food additive it has Е441 mark. It is based on collagen. Gelatin consists, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace nutrients and macro-nutrients, vitamin РР and 18 amino acids.
This is an animal protein of high quality enriched in amino acids, vitamins and trace nutrients of vital importance.
Gelatin is a solid odorless bulk product with color from light yellow to dark yellow.
Nutritional Qualities of Gelatin:
- Combination of undiluted protein with specific amino acids;
- Synergistic effect in combination with other proteins;
- High accessibility;
- Allergen-free;
- Cholesterol-free.
Processing Properties of Gelatin:
- Gelling action;
- Foam forming and stabilization;
- Skin formation/filming;
- Structural improvement;
- Hydration;
- Emulsification and stabilization;
Sensing Properties of Gelatin:
- Neutral odor;
- Neutral flavor;
- Capability to improve flavor.
Physicochemical Properties of Gelatin:
- Highly soluble and highly water-retentive;
- Bloom or Valenta strength test of food gelatin;
- Exposed to hydrolysis depending on a number of factors, namely on acids physical presence, alkalies, bacteria, enzymes and temperature;
- In density higher than 0,8 % gelatin on cooling precipitates from a solution. Precipitation temperature as a rule to be defined according to the viscosity of 10% solution and it is equal to the temperature of gelling action;
- Gelatin shows amphoteric properties. In acids gelatin carries positive charge, when in alkali it carries negative charge;
- Compatible with most hydrocolloids, sugar, corn syrup, starch, fruit sugar, most food-grade acids and flavoring materials.
Gelatin Types
Advanced technologies allow us to produce gelatin of different types.
There are two types of gelatin, namely А and В; manufacturing of every type we effect on separate processing lines. Gelatin of А type we receive by acid treatment of pig-skin collagen. Gelatin of В type we receive by alkali treatment of beef cattle skins. At that gelling action of both types still the same.
Gelatin Brands:
- Food-grade gelatin К-17, К-15, К-13,К-11,К-10
- P-19, P-17, P-16, P-13, P-11, P-9, P-7
- 80, 100, 120, 150, 180, 200, 220, 240 bloom
- Technical gelatin Т-11, Т-9, Т-7, Т-4, Т-2,5
Gelatin Types:
- Food gelatin
- Confectionery gelatin
- Medical gelatin
- Packed food gelatin, 15, 25 g/pack.
- Technical gelatin
Physical and Chemical Features
Gel strength in total gelatin weight ratio: 10%, Newtonian: from 2,5 to 19
Gel strength in total gelatin weight ratio: 6,67%, Bloom g/cm³: from 80 to 240 Bloom
Particle size, by demand: min. 0,1 mm; max. 5 mm.
Food and technical gelatin packed in polypropylene big bags (25 kg) with polyethylene liner.
Packed food gelatin are in bundles of 15,25 g.
Period of Storing
Food gelatin (National Standard GOST-11293-89: 1 year under the date of manufacture.
Food gelatin (National Standard TU U 24.6-00418030-002-2007): 2 years under the date of manufacture.